You know you're a truck guy when...

-Purpose and Aims-

There are no membership dues. This organization is non-profit in character, bringing together and promoting the interested of 4 wheeling as well as truck shows.

-Membership Rules-

1. No Whiners!
2. Membership is open to owners of lifted or modified 4 wheel drive vehicles or 2 wheel drive prerunners, by invitation, who have participated in at least 2 club activities within a period of 1 year. Trail rides are open to non members so they can check things out.

3. The minimum age for members shall be 18 years. Each member must hold a valid driver's license and have adequate insurance coverage as required by New York State law.

4. Roll bars are required in soft-top vehicles; Functional seat belts are required for all vehicles, one for each occupant; other equipment may be required as governed by the rules of that specific event.

5. To remain in good club standing a club member must attend 3 club functions per year. Active club members must attend 6 club functions per year.

6. All members must conduct themselves in a responsible, respectable and orderly fashion at all times. Under no circumstances will there be any making fun of or putting down someone else's vehicle or that person. We are here to have fun and to help each other as a team. Any members that have a disagreement with each other should take it up with the club officers, we do not except any fighting among members. Remember you represent the group as a whole.
7. Members are responsible for all their own expenses (food, fuel, repairs, etc.)
8. Consumption of alcoholic beverages or intoxicants of any kind on trail runs is strictly prohibited.
9. Passengers may not drink on trail rides.
10. Violators will get one verbal warning regarding alcohol. The second offense removes you from the trail ride.
11. Illegal drug use wiil not be tolerated any time during the trail ride. There is no warning- first offense gets you removed from the trip.
-Own a suitable 4x4-

Suitable means that the vehicle must be in reasonable condition. The vehicle is required to have a hard top (roll bar for removable tops), front and rear tow points, hooks, or hitches (for adequate tow-strap/winch point), seat belts for all passengers (passengers may not ride in the rear of pickup beds!), functional parking brake, battery hold-down, and be covered by liability insurance as deemed by New York State Law and licensed. Your vehicle must also pass a basic club safety inspection. While stock 4x4s are more than welcome to join the club, vehicle modifications such as lifts, oversized tires, locking differentials, winches, etc. will allow you to do some of the more difficult trails as well as make like easier on every trail. You will need to keep a good attitude towards body damage as it happens to the best of us from time to time. You must be self sufficient (bring your own tow straps, spares, tools, jacks, food, etc.) Remember, vehicles are repairable!

 -Ride at your own risk-

Remember you are wheeling at your own risk. The club is not responsible for any damages, injuries, loss, theft, or anything else. You are with us because you want to be, not because we are forcing you into anything. You have the option not to attempt any trail that you feel is more difficult than you would like to do, or if you feel it presents any sort of danger to you and/or others with you. There is almost always a bypass around the trail. We will however, be more than willing to pull you out if you get stuck, lend a hand repairing your vehicle should it break (this does not include paying for parts or repairs at automotive shops, dealers, etc), loan you a part if we have it, or provide some guidance should you need help finding the right line to get through a trail.

-Officers and Duties-

The officers of this club shall be President, Vice President, Executive Officer and three other club officials.

a . The President shall be the highest official and will preside at all meetings. He shall have the duty of carrying out the policy and decisions of the members.

b. The Vice President will assist the President and act on his behalf in case of absence.

c. The Executive Officer and other officers shall have the authority to make decisions for the club, review new club applicants and present them to the membership.

-Club Meetings-

Membership meetings shall be held twice a month in the summer and once a month during the winter, date, time and place at the discretion of the club officers. Special meetings may be called prior to the regular meeting for any designated purpose.

-Elections and Voting-

Nominations of officers shall be held at the late March or early April club meeting. Elections shall take place before May 5th. Nominations will be accepted from the active members list. A majority of membership votes attending the meeting will rule for all matters voted apon. An emergency election can be held if an elected officer has to resign for whatever reasons. 

Free Membership

Regular membership shall be open to all off road vehicle owners who show interest in promoting the objectives of the club. To become a member contact me at:

Owner, E-Mail Address, Location,Vehicle,
Model, Engine Type, Modifications,
Exhaust, Transmission, Tires, Wheels
Exterior, Interior, Stereo
Some information is not necessary.

It's like breathing or eating,
only more important!