The Trail Rating
System is designed to allow you to plan ahead for our upcoming trail rides. These ratings are strong recommendations
for each trail we run. Every trail is rated from 1 (the easiest) to 10 (the
most difficult). It allows the driver to safely complete the main trail with minimal, body damage, undercarriage
scraping, or vehicle extractions under ideal weather and trail conditions. In the event of adverse conditions (excessive rain,
snow, ice, etc.) the ratings automatically jump up one or two numbers.
As you can see some trails carry a split rating. What
this represents is an aggressive driver may be able to complete the trail with the lesser recommendation, while the more
cautious driver may want to heed the higher rating. Please remember, all vehicles are subject to inspection prior
to trail departure.
(2WD, 4WD, stock tire size & up) feature very mild trails with obstacles that
are easy to navigate. In optimum weather conditions, some of these trails may not require the continual use of 4WD.
(4WD, 31" tire size & up) feature mild trails with moderately demanding
obstacles. These trails require the continual use of 4WD.
33" tires & up) moderately demanding trails on which 4WD is constantly required. You may encounter
a wide variety of challenges, including deeper mud holes, larger boulders, and deeper stream crossings. The use of undercarriage
protection is recommended.
33" tires & up, Locker) demanding trails on which 4WD is constantly required. You will encounter a
wide variety of challenges, including deep mud holes, large boulders, and deep stream crossings. The use of undercarriage protection is recommended
and the likelihood of
getting stuck is high.
35" tires & up) extreme trails, the likelihood of getting stuck is considerably high. Mud holes
here may be deep and rock climbing will be more severe. Expect your vehicle
to be at extreme angles.
35" tires & up, Locker) most extreme trail reserved for drivers who feel they are highly experienced.
The likelihood of getting stuck is considerably high. Mud holes here are deep and rock climbing will be more severe.
Body damage could be expected. Very high likelihood of breaking/getting
stuck. Roll over protection is strongly recommended for trails with rock climbing.
Ratings Outer Loop 3-4 Washington Park 4-7 Barnes Corners 1-6 Powis' Mud
Pit 9-10 Tylerville Loop 7-10 Jerusalm Rd. 3-6 Dobbins Rd. 1-3 Pickney Rd. 1-2 Eatonville/Chases
Lake 1-4 Gorge 5-8